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August 2018

Meet the Navigators - August 22nd, 2018


In this meeting we introduced the new Faculty Navigators (Shireen Bell and Jessica Green), discussed  the purpose of the Faculty Navigator Program, had a Q&A session, and finally talked about goal setting. Unfortunately due to audio issues we were unable to review the ted talk from Eduardo Briceno, "How to Get Better At the Things You Care About". Please feel free to come back and watch or re-watch this video.


 One of the best parts of the day was the opportunity to meet many of our new (and returning) part time, sessional and continuous faculty members. We look forward to getting to know everyone better and are excited about the upcoming academic year!

Black Coffee
September 2018

September CoP Meeting - 10th, 11th & 14th, 2018


This week in the COP meeting we had two main themes of discussion. We started off with self reflection; examining who we are and what our evidence is. To support the evidence piece, Shireen presented an article that talked about student metacognition and offered many examples of questions that instructors can use to promote student metacognition (as well as how to integrate it into course activities). The great feature about this article was that it also offered questions for faculty to consider when trying promote metacognition about teaching. We then related this back to RDC's Learner Centeredness and how instructors navigate teaching in class, lab, and clinical. We offered examples of lesson plans in all areas to support faculty as they transition to teaching. In the September CoP resources will be an article posted about transitioning from clinician to educator. We would encourage you to read it and reflect as you transition. Finally, we left time to discussion and opened the floor to what's happening in your own workloads and programs.

Sunrise on Matterhorn from Riffelsee
October 2018

October CoP Meeting - 9th, 12th & 15th, 2018

Yes! It was about diving in! Not only were the BScN Instructors in full swing, the PN Instructors were starting intensive clinical courses. The theme for this month was student evaluations. We explored existing clinical course evaluation documents and developed an understanding on the key areas of clinical performance at the expected levels of independence. We also included warning signs seen in at risk students with suggested supportive actions, models for giving feedback, and classroom assessment tools (CATs) for eliciting student feedback. One more additional teaching strategy we introduced was the Five Minute and One Minute Preceptor Tool. This five step approach is a teaching strategy to help students develop cognitive skills in the context of patient care. We have found it to help students engage in the type of dialogue that shows any combination of cognitive skills (critical thinking, problem solving, clinical reasoning, clinical judgment, decision making) while allowing the instructor to provide feedback and further learning. The sessions were jam packed with info but we managed to share a lot!

January 2019

Struggling Student Workshop January 2, 2019

This workshop was strategically done on the first day back after the holidays to ensure that we capture as many people as possible. It was that good :)


We had a guest speaker come and discuss with the group all the services that are offered on campus and highlighted some of the bigger changes with in the Student Connect Center, Health and Wellness Office and Counseling Services. 


Following the guest speaker, we spent some time in groups working through case studies while applying different RDC Policies and the new Program Protocol for Concerning Students in Clinical. Through the use of the case studies there was a great discussion on different strategies with rational that people use in clinical with struggling students. A big takeaway from this event in addition to the use of policies and the new document was the need for educators to be grounded in theory. The discussion was quite diverse and excellent points were made. Moving forward into your next clinical, continue with the theme of reflection: What theory supports your actions? What does literature say about...? Does your strategy align with your values? How about RDC's values?



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April 2019

April CoP Meeting April 8 and 12, 2019

 In the last CoP meeting of the 2018/19 academic year,  the theme was reflection of teaching practice. Faculty found this meeting in helpful as they prepare to write their self-reflective report.


We provided key reflective questions in the forms of discussion and videos, suggested learning theories and personal teaching philosophy as an anchor and  structure for reflective writing.


Further on, we also discussed teaching strategies in the classroom or clinical settings that faculty found successful or a good learning experience, this was an amazing time for faculty to share their learning and to hear from others.


Here is the link to the power point that we used during the meeting. There are YouTube videos linked in this power point. They are both excellent.







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February 3, 2020

February 3 and 7th CoP


This months theme was all about positivity. We watched the ted talk "The Happy Secret to Better Work" by Sean Achor to set the stage for a conversation about positivity. As a group we discussed positive attributes that we saw in our students, and then brainstormed ways we could increase positivity in the class, lab and clinical settings.

Winter Field
April 6, 2020

April 6, 2020

Winter Field
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